In today's episode...
Tiny Home Tours team member Ayana sits down to chat with Tiny Home Tours COO and podcast co-host Allison Shea. Allison moved into her traditional tiny home over five years ago and her life hasn't been the same since! The two discuss Allison's journey to tiny living, how it changed her life, and the gifts and challenges that come with raising kiddos and living in a traditional tiny home.

"Tiny living has taught me to surrender to the flow...and that there are no rules"

Ayana & Ally discuss:
What lead Ally to tiny living
How Ally got connected with Tiny Home Tours
How tiny living impacted her marriage
Raising toddler twin boys on the road
The gifts and challenges of living tiny
Ally's woodworking business Satya Creative
To follow Ally's journey, check out her Instagram @satyacreative! To explore Ally's woodworking business visit:
Click below to watch the tour of Ally's traditional Tiny Home!